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Poly Status Indicator - USB-A for Softphone

Poly Status Indicator - USB-A for Softphone
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Poly Status Indicator - USB-A for Softphone

Poly Status Indicator - USB-A for Softphone

SKU: 85R75AA
* This Product is Now Obsolete
No Replacement Available

The Poly Status Indicator will let others know from across the open office if you are available for an impromptu chat, on the phone or away from your desk.

The Poly Status Indicator will let others know from across the open office if your employees are available for an impromptu chat, on the phone, or away from their desk. Visual and audio signals alert about incoming messages and calls. Available in bundles of eight, and compatible with desk phones, the Plantronics Status Indicator will help your employees be more productive and interruption free.

Poly Status Indicator Features:

  • Syncs with Microsoft Skype for Business/Lync, Microsoft Skype1, Cisco Jabber2, Zoom, RingCentral, Circuit by Unify3, CounterPath Bria, or can be controlled manually
  • Audio and visual alerts for incoming calls and instant messages4
  • 10 MP3 ringtones selections
  • Adjustable volume and brightness control
  • Intuitive Poly Status Indicator companion app for Windows and Mac allows feature personalization
  • Syncs with over 35 additional softphones with Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac.
  • While the app lets you customize colors, we recommend that your organization agree and use a common color scheme. Sticking the with default green-yellow-red should be best for most enterprises
  • Replaces Poly SKUĀ 214023-01

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Plantronics Status Indicator User Guide

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